3 Simple Tips on Caring For Your Bloom Box

Fresh flowers are fleeting in weather like ours here in the tropics. Our customers frequently ask how their beautiful arrangements, especially our signature Bloom Boxes, can last longer here in Singapore.

Fresh cut flowers generally last 3 days - 5 days, depending on how much care is taken when preparing them. With our Bloom Boxes, there are 3 simple tricks to extend their lifespan so you can appreciate their beautiful bloom just a tad longer.

  1. The round box that the Bloom Box arrangements come packed in act as a vase for the flowers and therefore removing the flowers and putting them into a separate vase is not required. Just pour a small teacup of water into the centre of the box daily and your flowers will thank you for it.
Featuring an Ingenue Bloom Box.

2. Spritz the blooms with some water so that they stay refreshed and hydrated.
3. Keep your Bloom Boxes away from direct sunlight and store them in a cool air-conditioned area to prevent them from drying out.

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